20 Benefits & Uses of Black Spruce Essential Oil (Picea Mariana)

Black Spruce essential oil is derived from the black spruce tree, a coniferous evergreen that is native to Canada. It is not a fir, but belongs to the pine family. The INCI is Picea Mariana leaf oil, extracted from the leaves, twigs, and needles through steam distillation, retaining the plant’s therapeutic properties. 

I first came across Black Spruce Essential Oil when I was on a perfumery training course. In perfumery, it brings a sweet, floral undertone and helps to hold a blend together. 

It has a distinct pine oil scent that is crisp, fresh, slightly green, and has a balsamic earthiness. When combined in your creams and gels, it settles down to a very warm and comfortingly soft, woodsy fragrance. 

Terpene Profile of Black Spruce (Picea Mariana)

Terpenes are lightweight compounds that evaporate quickly, creating the initial scent, known as the top note. You can see that this oil has a lot of terpenes (they end in “ene”). 

Terpenes are used in isolation in many industries. Many essential oils contain terpenes, but they also contain a functional range of other molecules as well. This combination of materials makes essential oils incredibly functional.

Aromatherapy oils contain many chemical compounds. However, they can be summarized to help Aromatherapists select the relevant molecules they need.

Chemical Profile of Black Spruce Essential Oil

Chemical Profile of Black Spruce Essential Oil
Chemical Profile of Black Spruce Essential Oil

Bornyl Acetate

  • This is a powerhouse terpene. Its primary effects are analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory and it regulates the immune response. Tests have shown that Bornyl Acetate inhibits tyrosinase, which is an enzyme involved in melanin production. It has skin-soothing properties, making it common in anti-ageing creams, lotions, and skin lightening products.

  • The analgesic effect effectively reduces pain, swelling, and inflammation, making it perfect for osteoarthritis. Aromatherapists recognise that essential oils can alleviate emotional pain and calm the nervous system, which can help with PTSD.

Beta Pinene

  • This is the terpene that gives the characteristic woodsy aroma with a touch of spice. It can significantly reduce inflammation, which makes it great for use with inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. It binds to CB2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system, reducing inflammation effectively, especially when paired with CBD.

  • It has neuroprotective benefits, helping to slow the progression of dementia and Alzheimer’s. It also reduces stress and anxiety very well without leaving you feeling sedated. The increase in serotonin levels can help with insomnia and improve the quality of sleep.

  • It’s a good antibacterial agent, effective against several drug resistant strains as well as fungi.

Alpha Pinene

  • This terpene shares many properties the same as Beta Pinene, but it is more stimulating and enhances concentration and focus. When the two Pinenes are together (such as in Black Spruce), they do not contraindicate each other. They actually enhance each other very well.


  • This terpene is known to be a powerful mucolytic, good for shifting mucous. It’s an effective antioxidant with health and beauty benefits, as it helps prevent the free radical damage that leads to wrinkles.

  • It’s very effective at reducing inflammation and effective at alleviating pain by blocking specific calcium channels involved in pain transmission.

  • It is effective against various fungi and bacteria, particularly when combined with other essential oils like Tea Tree and Fragonia™.

  • It’s a pretty good cough suppressant and is often added to chest rubs to help breathing. Aromatherapists also use it for stress relief and relaxation.


  • This terpene has wonderful mood-boosting properties. It makes you smile and feel happier. It lowers cortisol levels, which then improves the immune response. It very effectively reduces feelings of stress and anxiety.

  • It’s an antioxidant which helps prevent oxidative damage (free radicals), which makes it desirable in anti-ageing products. It also reduces chronic inflammation throughout the body.

  • Of particular interest to me is that Limonene interacts with CBD and THC cannabinoids. Cosmetic products containing CBD or THC have enhanced therapeutic effects when Black Spruce essential oil is added.


  • This terpene is a good expectorant which means it helps to shift phlegm and congestion out of the lungs. You’ll commonly find it in Vick’s and other vapour rubs. It also reduces inflammation such as muscular pain and arthritis. When applied topically in a balm, it can help to reduce swelling and pain.

  • It’s effective against many strains of fungi and bacteria and is excellent in products like an antifungal foot cream.

  • It has a marked cooling effect and this can enhance the analgesic effect with muscular strains and aching joints.


  • This is another powerhouse terpene with so much functionality. It adds an earthy, slightly sweet citrus scent to Black Spruce oil and the cannabis strains it is found in. It is very popular in cannabis strains because it gives a nice mix of calmness with euphoria, clarity and focus. That might sound like a crazy mix, but it is very centering and enjoyable. Just so with Black Spruce as well, which is why this is useful in PTSD situations.

  • Delta-3-Carene has good antifungal properties and also the knack of decreasing bodily fluids slightly. This is one of the reasons that some Delta-3-Carene rich strains of cannabis contribute to dry eyes and cotton mouth. Think of it another way, though – Black Spruce oil would be great in an antifungal foot cream that will also drain swollen ankles.

  • The drying aspect combined with the ability to reduce inflammation would be very helpful with fibromyalgia and arthritis.

  • This terpene is also associated with improving cognitive function, improving memory recall and memory retention. This can not only help with issues like Alzheimer’s, but also gently bring back issues that need to be resolved with PTSD in a gentle way.

Beta Myrcene

  • I love this terpene because it reduces anxiety and improves the quality of your sleep. In the larger amounts found in cannabis, it can give “couch lock” which is very pleasant. It effectively relieves pain by interacting with pain receptors and boosts the effectiveness of other pain relievers. Black Spruce is an excellent oil to mix with other pain-relieving oils like Fragonia™ and CBD-infused oils.

  • It’s another terpene that reduces inflammation as it blocks the pathways that cause inflammation in conditions such as arthritis. It’s a good antioxidant that benefits overall health and reduces free radical damage, which contributes to ageing.

  • It enhances the permeability and absorption of cannabinoids through the blood-brain barrier, allowing better access to the central nervous system. The entourage effect in cannabis can enhance the strain’s trippy effects, which makes adding Black Spruce essential oil to topical products appealing.

Beta Phellandrene

  • This is a minor terpene in very small amounts, but it still brings desirable qualities to your skincare products. It has a woody, minty quality that is slightly citrus which shines through in cosmetic formulations. It is also very easily absorbed by your body.

  • This antidepressant works better when combined with Limonene, a terpene also found in Black Spruce. This is a natural pairing with good synergy.

  • It reduces inflammation and is analgesic with a greater effect on neuropathic pain. It is also antifungal which, again, makes Black Spruce essential oil a good choice in foot creams.


  • This terpene has a fresh, woodsy aroma with menthol, which creates a cooling sensation on the skin and in the lungs. It is a powerful analgesic that is very effective and is particularly beneficial for reducing the inflammation of acneic skin conditions and lung inflammation – very useful for bronchitis and other respiratory problems. This also helps reduce neuroinflammation in the brain as well which could be beneficial for epilepsy.

  • In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the lungs are linked to the emotions of guilt and grief, which offers a way to address both physical and emotional pain.

  • Borneol in essential oils is known in aromatherapy to reduce stress and fatigue while improving blood circulation by expanding capillaries. This aspect is helpful for creating a hand or foot cream for people with cold extremities, even with the presence of menthol. It’s very popular amongst athletes for sports massage.

What Is Black Spruce Oil Good For?

Black Spruce oil (Picea Mariana) has a range of benefits and uses.

  • Its main, modern use is for overworked muscles and joints. That can be from the gym, walking, running, or being a parent and carrying your kid around. Sometimes your muscles are just calling out to be soothed, and this oil is my go-to massage oil for that. I always blend it with a carrier oil like Sweet Almond oil or Grapeseed oil to dilute it first.

  • If you are using CBD Isolate Powder for muscular pain relief, that is usually about 97% pure cannabidiol. There is no THC in it as that has all been stripped out (therefore no “high” effect) but it gives excellent relief for muscular pain. When the hemp is stripped back, it also loses all of its terpene content.

  • Adding terpenes from Black Spruce Oil greatly boosts the effects of CBD, thanks to the many beneficial terpenes it contains that work together. CBD isolate should be dissolved in glycerin, making it ideal for use in a gel that can also hold essential oil.

  • This oil soothes inflammation, so if your joints are swollen, dilute it and apply it to the affected area. Inflamed joints should always be checked by a doctor. If you’re unsure, ask if it’s okay to use this oil. Many people use this as a massage oil to help with their gout, arthritis, and rheumatism.

  • I find it’s a great natural expectorant that has helped my asthma and other respiratory issues over the years. It supports the respiratory system and I have found it helps to clear mucus and congestion and reduce inflammation. During the winter months I diffuse it to help clear the airways, especially during the cold and flu season.

  • I find it’s a great natural expectorant that has helped my asthma and other respiratory issues over the years. It supports the respiratory system and I have found it helps to clear mucus and congestion and reduce inflammation. During the winter months I diffuse it to help clear the airways, especially during the cold and flu season.

  • The oil helps soothe skin issues like dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis, and can calm outbreaks from hormone imbalances or stress. It can also help treat or prevent infection in wounds and sores.

  • The blend of Alpha-Pinene, Beta-Pinene, and Delta-3-Carene makes this oil one of my favourites. This rich blend of Monoterpenes is simply amazing at restoring depleted and overworked adrenal glands. When you have suffered with long term stress whether it be your job or being a carer, your adrenal glands suffer. It can take a long time to restore normal adrenal function, and using this oil is a very good start.

  • A simple and effective use of Black Spruce is to use it in a diffuser to fill the air with its aromatic scent. It promotes relaxation and can be blended with oils like Rosalina, Chamomile, Fragonia™, or Frankincense for even more benefits. This is a great USB-powered diffuser.
Loxim essential oil diffuser
Loxim essential oil diffuser

What Is The Best Essential Oil For Pain Relief?

  • Black Spruce is right there at the top of the list as one of the best. It is a strong pain reliever that can be mixed into a salve with eucalyptus oil for local use or combined with a carrier oil for full-body massage.

  • It’s great to use in a bath as it is antispasmodic. This oil will relieve muscle spasms and help your muscles relax.

  • Dilute a few drops in a shot glass of vegetable oil and mix this together with some bubble bath. Get in the tub and just soak the tension away from your muscles. It will help with stiff joints and tendonitis as well. The oil’s aroma will fill the bathroom and help relieve any catarrh and sinus congestion while you’re in the bath.

  • You can do a smaller amount for a foot bath. Forget about the fancy foot spas – get a big plastic box like one that you store stuff in. Add the black spruce to the vegetable oil and bubble bath, add loads of warm water, and get your feet in there! A big plastic box gives you much more room to relax and soak than an expensive spa machine does. Totally brilliant for warming up cold feet after being out in the snow as well!
Massage with Black Spruce essential oil
Massage with Black Spruce essential oil

What Is The Best Essential Oil For Anxiety

There are several that can be useful, but they are usually the sedating kind like Chamomile and Lavender. These are very good to use as well as they are generally calming and relaxing. Black Spruce (Picea Mariana) goes to a much deeper level.

  • Using Black Spruce is so much an oil for NOW if ever there was one! It can improve your energetic and emotional outlook along with all the other amazing benefits listed above. It brings objectivity and clarity to an exhausted mind. Things just seem easier to get done. Each day gets a little easier. It encourages compassion – and that includes for yourself as well. 

  • Long-term stress, anxiety, and often fear cause adrenal stress. Does that sound like most of the last few years to you? Sure does to me. When your adrenal glands are stressed, you get chronic fatigue, mental fatigue, and burnout. Often, it includes lower back pain and your libido can reduce. On an emotional level, this all knocks your self-confidence and morale, and it can foster negativity and melancholy.

  • It has a very grounding effect which is calming and centering. That makes us feel more connected on many levels.

  • After stress ends, your adrenal glands don’t quickly return to normal; they remain fatigued for a long time and require significant effort to recover. Sandalwood oil does this well (but who can afford it?) and Black Spruce does it VERY well.
Chakra balancing with Black Spruce essential oil
Chakra balancing with Black Spruce essential oil

How to Apply Essential Oils for Chakras?

Black Spruce is very effective at balancing and energizing several of your chakras. This works well in a diffuser but is even better when mixed into a homemade cream or salve and applied to the chakra areas.

  • 1st Chakra / Root Chakra / Muladhara / Base of spine

This chakra connects with our stability, roots, and foundations and gives us the security of feeling grounded. When the chakra is open, we feel balanced and capable.

Mantra: “I can’t grow from an unsteady foundation”

Colour: Red

Element: Earth

Stone: Haematite

  • 2nd Chakra / Sacral Chakra / Swadhisthana / Lower abdomen

This chakra is connected with how we relate to our own emotions and the emotions of others. It deals with creativity as well as sexual energy. When the chakra is open, we feel abundant with well-being and sexuality.

Mantra: “I always honour others but not before myself”

Colour: Orange

Element: Water

Stone: Tiger’s Eye

  • 4th Chakra /  Heart Chakra / Anahata / Centre of the chest, above the heart

This chakra is the link or bridge between the lower chakras (more material) and the upper chakras (more spiritual). It can influence our ability to give and receive love. This applies to ourselves as well as others. When open, it allows empathy and compassion.

Mantra: “When I love myself, loving others comes easily”

Colour: Green

Element: Air

Stone: Rose Quartz

  • 6th Chakra / Third Eye Chakra / Ajna / Forehead, between the brows and the eyes

This chakra allows us to see the bigger picture and connect with our own intuition and wisdom. It registers information beyond what is merely visual. When open, your intuition increases with an increased imagination for visions.

Mantra: “I am open to exploring what cannot be seen”

Colour: Dark Blue / Purple

Element: Light

Stone: Amethyst

What Are The Benefits Of Black Spruce Oil?

It’s great as an oil for pre- and post-gym workout as well as an “Ooh I just feel achey” kind of day, to use drops of Black Spruce in the bathtub. It gives very effective pain relief to sore muscles and clears “mental chatter”. This allows you to be calmer and more relaxed. When used in a diffuser, it promotes a calming mindset and encourages steady, deep breathing.

The combination of terpenes is extremely functional as they are. When combined with CBD, the effect is massively enhanced, and all without getting high or failing drug tests. Mother Nature at her best!

Safety & Contraindications

This oil is generally safe, but always research it and check for any contraindications before use. If you are unsure, check with your medical provider. Do not use this oil if it has oxidized. Do not use aromatherapy oils undiluted on your skin. Always dilute them with a carrier oil and use just a few drops to start with. 


Black Spruce essential oil, derived from the leaves and twigs of a Canadian evergreen tree, is a versatile and effective natural remedy. Black Spruce has a fresh, pine-like scent and is used to relieve muscle and joint pain, improve respiratory health, and enhance skin care products. The oil’s rich terpene profile provides strong decongestant and anti-inflammatory benefits, making it great for supporting airways and improving breathing.

Inhaling Black Spruce can uplift the mood, calm the mind, and promote deeper, more restful sleep. Additionally, it pairs well with chamomile oil to further enhance its relaxing and beneficial effects. Black Spruce is a great option for natural relief from physical pain, mental fatigue, or stress, whether used in a diffuser, massage oil, or bath. Give Black Spruce a try, and experience its fresh forest scent and restorative benefits first-hand!

glass laboratory flask with cannabis leaves

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Black Spruce essential oil for sports massage
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